But a life well-lived requires finding the beauty and being grateful. Mar, hubby extraordinaire, of course took care of me, the kiddo, and the toddlers (aka The Three Stoogettes) and lovingly gave me the emotional support I needed. Baby, I am so grateful.
Yesterday our super fantastic neighbors brought us a HUGE bag of much needed produce and Mar quickly turned some into yummy deliciousness that he shared with our super fantastic neighbors. I love our neighbors and I'm so grateful.

Yesterday I received a gorgeous and sweet book of children's songs as a gift from a wonderful woman who's influenced my life in positive and dynamic ways since I was three! I've been singing to the toddlers all day! I am deeply grateful, Maria!
And yesterday, after more than a year of back and forth emailing with the folks at Google (security protocols got a bit over-eager) I regained access to the email account that allows me to post to and update this blog!! I'm quite grateful to fully rejoin the blogging community WITHOUT having to start my blog over!
So, swollen forehead, sleepless night and tears aside, yesterday had some beautifully great moments and I am beautifully #GRATEFUL for each and every one!