I just woke up after a restless but well-deserved nap about an hour ago, just to finish the final stretch of this year's fiscal hell called tax filing. I usually don't procrastinate like this, since I've long since accepted this as the annual governmental punishment for being a single renter with no children (as if the monumental deductions from my bi-weekly paychecks and parental reminders weren't punishment enough) and I prefer to just get it out of the way. But my temporary stay out of the country put it out of my head, I guess.
Oh hell, I just didn't want to do it, who am I foolin'?
Anywho, I just completed everything as much as I feel like completing it (I am making a promise to myself here and now that this is the LAST year I do this god awful task myself), I do my little happy dance, and I think I'll read a blog or two even though I know I have to go to work in a few hours and I should go to bed.
The first blog that I open is for A.Word.A.Day and the word is
1. A tax or a similar mandatory payment.
2. The weight a horse must carry in a handicap race......That's not fair. I'm going to bed.