in very basic terms, i'm a minimalist. over the years I've 'lost' my possessions (televisions, stereos, books, clothes, sentimental things, etc) repeatedly due to moves, basement floods, theft and various other circumstances. each time things get lost it hurts for a bit but never more than a month or two because that's how long I give myself to say 'well I've managed two month without ______, so I don't need it.'
'hoarders' the tv show shows the extreme side of a very common problem in this country; our self-worth lies in our possessions. it's the down side of a capitalist society, we have to have lots of pretty things to show our success. it's a lie and a mask, a mask made of lots and lots of stuff covering lots and lots of inner emptiness.
I'm deeply grateful to be able to take stock and see I have way more love in my life than 'stuff' and I realize I never want it any other way.
We are minimalists by choice. We have been through a category 5 hurricane in the past and lost EVERYTHING. Best thing that could have happened in my life! I still have a hand-cranked can opener to this day. Less is more...