21 November 2010

hairy situation

i spend way too much time talking about this natural, giant, curly mass of hair. i said 'too much time' because i'm not talking about my hair, i'm talking about my son's.


apparently my decision to just let it be big and beautiful as long as he lets me detangle and comb it a few times a week, doesn't sit well with everyone. there seems to be some unspoken rule that if a little black boy is going to have long hair it should be cornrowed or braided in some way. if not, cut it off.

i happen to think his hair is fantastic just the way it is and i have no desire to try and contain it. in fact, this one's for you kid!!

Whip My Hair Sesame Style - Willow Smith Remix (I Love My Hair)

19 November 2010

aaah thanksgiving

aaah thanksgiving! the holiday that reminds us that it's perfectly ok to flee the persecutions and suffering of your homeland to the safety of america, pillage the native lands and people, then proceed to subject them and every other person who flees the persecutions and suffering of their homeland to the safety of america to countless persecutions and sufferings in the name of america, if you're really, really pale.

gobble, gobble.

a charlie brown thanksgiving

but i do love 'a charlie brown thanksgiving' so click on the pic and enjoy!!

18 November 2010

i will not be defeated - video by pierre bennu

I Will Not Be Defeated from pierre bennu on Vimeo.

This animated video by Pierre Bennu (see his body of work at exittheapple.com) was inspired by the awesome mantra of a song by Steven Wesley Guiles, from the album "And The Stars Will Guide Us Home," available at stevenwesleyguiles.com

Video © exittheapple November 2010.