25 February 2014

Imperfect Thoughts

Today I'm giving myself permission to share my imperfect thoughts. My random, passing thoughts that I, way too often, allow to sit in the editing booth of my brain so long that the whole thought ends up on the cutting room floor before the thought ever has a chance to see the light of day. 

These thoughts could manifest into blog posts or advice or recipes or lesson plans or any number of things but my fear of sharing thoughts or ideas that haven't been fully researched, thought out, talked through (usually with my husband) and then properly edited on the big, bad, scary, permanent internet is stifling my ability to share.

But if I can acknowledge that even that first imperfect thought, that idea or question or motivation, is also part of the process of learning and evolving and being vulnerable and changing and being open to receiving new information then I can allow myself to share these imperfect thoughts just as they are, and whatever develops from them. 

^^Starting right there!^^ ;-)

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