Misery does not always need company.
So, you're hanging out with your friend, sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend or whoever, and you are just chillin'- chit-chatting, making jokes and what not but all you're receiving is MAD SHADE! You know, that sneaky, standoff-ish attitude that doesn't outright say it, but says undercover of monosyllabic grunts and deep sighs that they are pissed at you for something. But you have absolutely no idea what you did or didn't do to bring on the shade!
Or maybe they aren't even pissed at you, maybe they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or got an annoying phone call, or any of the million things that can happen to irk someone for a minute or a day. All you know is that you are in that person's presence and at that moment you are the unlucky recipient of their bad mood.
And now you want to choke the shit out of them!!
I'm sure we all have our ways of dealing with or not dealing with our bad moods. Go for a walk or drive, eat some comfort food, write in a journal, play some beautiful music-- whatever coping mechanism feels best at the time. Personally, when I'm down or angry or annoyed with the state of the world in general, I just retreat away from folks. I don't talk much, usually for fear of saying the wrong thing and accidentally unleashing my baggage on an unsuspecting bystander. I just fade away for a while, and maybe go for a walk, eat some comfort food, write in my journal and play some beautiful music. As far as I'm concerned, whatever has me in a funk is temporary so I find some temporary solace and solitude until it also fades away.
But I really try not to take my bad mood out on others.... unless they are actually the one who set it off in the first place. Then all bets are off, they brought it on themselves and there will be consequences and repercussions! No, I'm not some tyrant, I'm kidding.... mostly. Right now I will admit that with the increasing surge of pregnancy hormones coursing through my body, I might not have the mental restraint that I usually do, but anyone who isn't understanding of that should probably just leave me the hell alone and save themselves and me the agony of my wrath. You've been warned.
I guess I said all that to say, the next time you're feeling a bit moody or shady for whatever reason, legit or not, be a little considerate of those around you who might have nothing to do with your upset. Don't take it out on them, because they just might return the favor and you might lose a friend (or a tooth, depending on the person). Go take a breather, take a drive or a walk, eat some comfort food, write in your journal or listen to some good music. Work it out and get on with life. No one, I truly don't care how special you think you might be, has the right to be evil to others just for evil's sake, because it just makes you the type of person that others don't want to be around.
Then you're left just being moody, shady, and lonely.
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