10 February 2011

Hard-Working Mom... or Hardly Working? | BlogHer

i just read an article on BlogHer that i wanted to share; Hard-Working Mom... or Hardly Working?

this is a very sweet article that i completely relate to. i'm a stay/work at home mom and i constantly feel that i'm not doing enough. i imagine that my fiance, friends, blog readers.....everyone who knows me, thinks i'm living some sorta easy life of lounging and playing and it makes me feel highly inadequate.

but then i look at my awesome big boy and i know that i'll gladly take the financial and social loss to watch him grow everyday and never miss a single 'first' experience. i see how happy he is and i know i'm doing the right thing for us.

are you a stay/work at home mom or a mom that works out of the house? what's your experience? do you have any regrets?

Hard-Working Mom... or Hardly Working? | BlogHer


  1. I have been a stay-at-home mom and housewife for 17 years now. I have no friends. I don't go on "girls night out". I don't do playgroups. Do I regret my position? NEVER. I love my children and I am so proud of who they are and all of their accomplishments. I truly believe that they would not be the overachievers they are if I had to work outside of our home. It is a financial sacrifice that is worth every dime I don't get! I plan to stay home until my baby boy turns 18. I would like to say that I have the hardest job in the world but at the same time THE BEST job in the world! :)

  2. this is really, really good to hear! i'm kicking off my mommy-blogging empire (*roll eyes*) as an alternate source of income but also because i really feel like i need to do more. maybe it's guilt, maybe it's feeling under-appreciated, maybe it's a desire to show my son that motivation pays off. probably it's all of those. but thru all of it is the love of taking care of my li'l dreamboat <3
