24 March 2014

One Day After Science Class...

(Super long proud mama post, bear with me.) 

So this weekend, after the science workshop, Ian (the instructor) came over to have a conversation with Kendi.

Ian: Kendi I want you to know that I'm very proud of you! You're the youngest kid in the class and you keep up every week. And you have an excellent vocabulary (the boys in our group kept comparing things to poop and Kendi asked if they could stop talking about 'defecation') and reading skills (he read the background information for the project out loud to the class). Plus I love your hair this week! (Cornrows.)

Kendi: THANKS! 

Ian: Since you're a motivated scientist, I have a homework assignment for you. Ready?

Kendi: OK!

Ian: I want you to find out who Roy G. Biv is.

Kendi: (very slowly) Roy? G? Biv?

Ian: Exactly! Do you need me to spell it?

Kendi: (still slowly) Not yet. (He stares out the window frowning.)

Another kid was there waiting for his mom and asked "Is he a super scientist?"

Ian: No but it does relate to next week's science project. Kendi do you know how to look it up?

Kendi: I can Google it. I'll check but it sounds like the colors of the rainbow.

Ian: (silent, then holds up his hand for a high five) My man!

Other kid: There's no roygeebiv color!

Kendi: It's the initials! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet!!

Ian: You are one smart little brother!

Kendi: And I did my homework before I even left class!

I'm just amazed that he even knew that since I know I didn't teach it to him. I asked him later and he shrugged and said he read it or saw it on a video.

Then later, when I asked the kiddo to tell Mar what awesome things the teacher said about him, me still rejoicing in our great #homeschool review AND excellent praise from his instructor. 

He happily turned to his father and with a proud grin said "He said he liked my hair!!"

How's that for #perspective!!

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