10 April 2011

today's tiny soapbox

law of attraction + mercury in retrograde = way too many people attracting way too much negativity in the name of the cosmos. the 'retrograde' typically has little to no effect on my day-to-day life, i never even give it a second thought, until people start inundating me with it with every problem. very often they point out problems that i wouldn't even notice as a way of saying 'see, look what else went wrong because of the retrograde!' then i start it too, noticing and picking at every little problem which makes the real problems seem that much worse. then that negativity attracts more negativity and chaos.

ok, so mercury is in retrograde. fantastic. happens a lot and no amount of moaning, groaning or griping will make it not happen, go away or change that it's gonna happen again in a few months. so does that mean that we all live our lives as usual until we hear 'retrograde' then we sit around and pick apart our lives, stop making decisions, and live in fear of the next disaster. i can't do it. thoughts become things and i don't need those particular thoughts or things.

i appreciate the good intention of 'it's not your fault, it's the retrograde' and i know that many people do feel that way. but i'd rather be inundated with 'embrace joy & abundance' and 'remember your attitude of gratitude' and attract that.

have a beautiful sunday, lovelies.

*humbly steps down from my soapbox*

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