08 December 2011


a few months ago daddyluv and I were discussing the usefulness of teaching kids about dinosaurs. he was thinking that lots of kids go through the whole 'dinosaurs are awesome' phase but only a handful become archeologists or paleontologists. so what's the real benefit?

I told him I see a couple benefits like the reading benefits of getting kids to enjoy learning words like tyrannosaur and pterodactyl or the ability to teach a child that things die but they become part of the earth and are never really gone.

or it's for the pure geeky delight of having my 3 1/2 year old say to me 'mama, you see that green dinosaur? he is from the Jurassic time period. there is also a Cretaceous time period. but mama, what time period do we live in?'

do you have any idea how adorable those words sound in a preschoolers 'scooby doo' accent?! #NerdsUnite

by the way, we live in the Quaternary Period, it began 2.6 million years ago. I looked it up.

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