23 December 2008


i believe we create our own existence. by what we hope for or don't hope for, by what we focus on or don't focus on, and by what we surround ourselves with or don't surround ourselves with.

if you choose a life that includes happiness, love, health and harmony and embrace all of that in your current life, you will always welcome more into your life. self-fulfilling prophecy.

if you choose a life that includes anger, loneliness, illness and discontent and embrace all of that in your current life, you will always welcome more into your life. self-fulfilling prophecy.

i've had enough.

no more conspiracy theories, no more random paranoia, no more higher and lower levels of evildoers waiting to do me harm. no more gossip and no more nastiness. no more.

i've had enough.

i choose what will be present in my life.

to be informed about the actualities that exist in this world is smart, to be inundated with the potential evils that could exist in any world is self-destructive.

tell me something good. tell me what you love. tell me what made you smile today. and i'll tell you the same. i'll tell you why i think you're cool. i'll tell you about something beautiful i saw. i'll tell you something sweet.

let's shine some light in each other's worlds instead of casting shadows. there can never be enough of that.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Just how there are laws of matter, their are laws of the soul. It doesn't matter that you are Mother Teresa or Hitler you will both fall if you jump off a cliff, gravity doesn't care. And in my opinion neither do the laws of the soul. Like you said, your loving and kind then you be surrounded by that and if you are angry and sad then that's what will warp your perception. Cool post : )

  2. AMEN SIS!!! i really needed to read this!

    thank you!

  3. amen my sista...

    i needed so bad to read this... thank you for this inspiration...

    happy holidays!!!!

    joyous kwanzaa? happy kwanzaa?

  4. i am delighted to have helped meag's!! very happy holidays to you too :D

  5. you know exactly where i'm coming from! i hope you are surrounded with lots of loving kindness!!
