02 January 2014


Looking back over my schedule over the past four months (hell, the past 6 years, for that matter) coupled with my consistent level of exhaustion and frustration, have made me come up with an unexpected but necessary resolution:

I WILL have at least one day a month TO REST!! One day where I give myself permission to have someone take my child for the day. One day where I give myself permission to say 'No I can't babysit.' One day where I give myself permission to ignore every phone call and spontaneous 'drop-in'. One day where I give myself permission to not cook or clean a thing unless I WANT to.

One day. One WHOLE day, not just a few hours squeezed into an already hectic day. One day.

This is small until I realize that it's more than I've had in 6 years. And it's way more than I've had in the past four months where I've had no time to myself that wasn't spent frantically catching up on life. I'm burnt out and it's starting to affect my overall outlook.

One day a month. 12 days out of 365. That's not a lot to ask and so I'm demanding it.

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